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 Reporting Tool




The Reporting tool allows you to easily create reports by writing only HQL query statements. The tool will offer columns and filters automatically depending on the statement.

The Reporting tool is similar to use as Form Designer so please read Form Designer Tool first, because we will not explain here functionalities that are the same with Form Designer.

There are some differences when compared to Form Designer and regular forms:

  • Reports do not have Entity Forms.

  • Reports are only showing data.

  • The default controller is ReportController

  • The default commander is ReportCommander

  • Reports do not have Detail and Checker view

  • Security is defined on Report (Form) level only.


Creating new report


The Reporting tool can be accessed form SECURITY application menu on path Forms > Report meta form. To create a new report simply click on the “New” button and enter name, description and select application from the list:



After closing the dialog, reporting tool will expect you to enter the statement:




Enter HQL and validate your query by clicking on “Validate”:

If your query is valid you will be informed with a success message and if not valid you will see an error message like this:



In the previous case the name of the entity is not correct.

Let’s specify a correct statement like this:















From this query you can see that we have three different entities: Visit, Pet and Owner.

Reporting tool consists of heading part with commands like in Form Designer, and the main content consists of QueryStatment and two tabs, one for Result fields and one for Filter fields:



Query result fields can be one of the resulting column aliases from the query statement.

Note that you should always write an alias for each resulting column value, this way you can control the naming of fields and it will be easier than using some generic naming for this purpose.

If you click + on Query result filed, the tool will automaticity add all fields according to your statement


For filters, you have two options. You can select any entity from the query, or entitie's property.



If we select Entities, we can choose values from the list:



The result is the following: 


You can configure filters like any other meta field by filling it’s properties as explained in Form Designer 

The report is actually ready, but let's do few more things.

Let's arrange columns and add one renderer like the following:


And add gallery view as well:


Our report is now finished, here is the end result:


As you can see a user can search visits by Owner and Pet and can also add additional filters like VisitDate. This report has Grid and Gallery view. “Export to Excel” and “Export to pdf” are automatic print reports explained in Smart Application Forms 


It is also possible to write custom controllers, custom commanders and custom Jasper reports from the result of the query of this report. If you are interested in the details, please consult Developer Handbook 



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